Hello, everybody. Thank you for visiting BONSYS.
BONSYS produces new and convenient goods and furthermore, tries to create a new IT culture. The company values and respects even small promises made to customers and cherishes the confidence and trust placed in us.
BONSYS is seeking to become a leading player in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution by utilizing information communication technology (ICT) and convergence technology. It is constantly conducting R&D in order to contribute to the development of administrative computer systems of provincial governments.
BONSYS is a venture company which provides convenient and safe products and services using display systems, including information kiosks, DID and integrated civil application issuing machines, and IoT, fingerprint recognition sensors and various sensing techniques, etc. BONSYS is an Inno-biz certified company.
BONSYS always makes the utmost efforts to develop bright and joyful products with the mindset of a child visiting a theme park and strives to be a company which prepares for a tomorrow that is better than today.
Thank you very much.
Our Services

R&D manufacturing
Various manufacturing-based KIOSKsEnterprise specializing
in R&D

We company that promotes a good work-life balance for its employees and their families

Good design
A good design company that takes heed of new changes and the needs of various customers

Good technology
A good technology company which makes the utmost efforts to create new technology to enhance customer convenience